Get Involved

Get Involved with Friends of Ukraine Refugees

Do you want to get involved and help refugee families in Central Washington? Would you like to sponsor a local refugee family? Your donation of time, money, expertise, or items would make a huge difference.


There are a number of ways you can donate to support the Ukrainian refugee families in Central Washington. This crucial support helps us provide food, shelter, and other necessities to refugees.


We need volunteers who can work with our families to advocate for them and make them feel at home. Volunteers help with a wide range of activities, from running events to gathering donated items to support families needs. Learn more about volunteering by filling out our volunteer form

Attend a FoUR Meeting

Friends of Ukraine Refugees meets regularly to discuss goals, budgeting, events, and more. If you would like to attend a meeting, please contact us ahead of time and we will provide you with the address of the upcoming meeting.